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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to the World Layne Mancini!

Wow. Now I remember why I loved working in the Newborn Nursery and the NICU. Newborns are wonderful and it is amazing to watch them transition in a matter of seconds from being in utero to being in the world.

I was blessed to be at the birthcenter at Memorial Medical Center yesterday and today to greet the newest member into my extended family. Layne Mancini came in yelling and ready to cuddle with her moms, grandmas, aunts, uncles, grandpas, and greatgrandparents --all visiting, waiting, hoping. Then she came into the world and it obviously won't be the same for all of us.

Quite honestly there is nothing more special than a new baby at Christmas time...can't wait. It's been a while (my kids are in their 20's) since we've had a baby around.

Save Station 18

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